Saturday, May 14, 2011

blog #20 "reflection on food unit"

In the food unit i found it really interesting, i have learn how process food is made and what harm it can do to our bodies. there are chemicals put into our foods such as grown hormones, and antibiotics to help fatten and make the animals  bigger. This is how the modern factory s make there foods.  learning the out come of how this food was made was pretty scary. the front side of it thou is that there are other healthier option and that is  buying food from family farms.  after watching the films  supersize me and the meatrix it had made me spreads the word to my friends and tell them this is what i have learned were our food comes from. so i  made  them  aware of it as well.  I thank  u Dr.x,  for teaching this topic from the food unit it was really good. now i have a change of diet, making better choices to being a healthy person. This experience connects to the the regular meatrix.  how neo was given a chose to either take the red pill or the blue pill to seek the truth of realty. neo had chosen the red pill  wanted to know the truth  of realty. so neo had a group of people show him and he now know that what is real and what is fake.
                                Just like perfect example.  for a long time i really did not know were fast food really came from. i thought that all food come from one place. but once Dr.x had shown a lesson on  were the food come from i now know that process food is bad for u and organic foods is a better natural choice. in some way for the allegory of the cave and the truman show is a connection due to the fact  for  example "the cave" how the people in the cave have been accustom to living in the dark and not know what it was like out side of the cave. until they  one of them were free and saw and learned that there was a hole life out there totally different from the in side cave.                                                                              Same for  Truman, he was raise in to a so called perfect world. were as everybody has a job family and friendly life . when later soon found out that he has been living in a lie a fake world. Truman wanted to go out and discovered that there is a real and better world out there, then the one he live in.
          As  far as  cat #3 i thought i did great, formulating my ideas together. by  putting in my personal examples, a claim , also  reference back from the reading and giving out a strong conclusion. out of all the cat's this was the easy one for me.  because from previous lesson  of what i had learned about fast food and what harm they can do  human body. i was a really upset with the grade i had received from Dr.x for this cat. i felt this  was one of my best writing out of all the cats. well aside from all that i will just keep on practicing until i get it right.

1 comment:

  1. I like the connections you are making among texts. I also like that you are using the information in the class when you respond to the CATs. Good strategy.
