Monday, May 2, 2011

post10 "reflection on skills"

1)      I have learned so much in such a short period of time.  How to annotate, summarizing, thesis statement and paragraphing.
What I learned in terms of writing skills was thesis statement and paragraphing. I learned that when it comes to coming up with a thesis statement I have to really sit there and think about what could be a really important idea   taking from the text of the reading and either agree or argue against the text that iam reading.
 Paragraphing is basically to give listed of supported reason to help support the main idea.

2)      Well this is proven by the work that I have displayed in my blogs

3)      The annotate is still to me unclear because I still don’t understand how to connect  to the text and as well to really get the understanding of the meaning of unfamiliar word that I don’t really know what they mean.  What really confuses me is summarizing, is because I not sure by putting the main idea in my own words is relating to the text that I read to be able to make sense out of it for my reader to understand.

4)      Yes, I feel confident overall of what I learn in basic skills writing. But would like to get a clear understanding on the annotating part especially summarizing. With everything else such as the thesis statement and the paragraphing I have a understanding with that but when it comes to summarizing and annotating I feel just a bit lost.

5)       I have a grasp of how to properly write a  essay but would just like a bit more clarity on the summarizing and annotate .

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this honest self-assessment. It helps me help you. :-)
