Monday, May 2, 2011

blog 13 revised /cat #1essay "dangers of reality"

                         In a extract from Timothy Sexton, i agree that among the dangerous messages that reality t.v. sends out are the importance of competition, the value of image over ability, and the obsolescence of education. there fore i can relate because i see that happening in today youth of society.

             First competition, it is shown all over t.v. of shows such as american idol, fear factor, and deal or no deal. that once u complete a tasks how a person can instantly win cash or being famous. for the young youth already have in staled in there heads that wow if that person can do it so can i. which cause a lack of interest of what is real in life, rather then a t.v. show that is a attraction of fantasy of having few mins of fame or make the quick bucks.

                Second, the value of image over ability. many kids today follow there favorite celebrity in what they wear to look hip. also as Mr. Sexton said "many of the show contestant that are most qualified lose out  as to  a contestant who present a hipper image. thus goes to show that in todays society of young youth all we care about is who looks the best. who has the lateness trend of new clothes to top that other person to look cool. As a child grown up that how it was for me and still continue on today.

                Lastly , the obsolescence of education. over my high school years to currently now, realty t.v. has gotten so popular. it is what todays young youth ever talk about. nothing on t.v. today show anything educational.  it is always about violence, sex, and who can win the most cash. which in my option is very bad. there are far more important things in life then  to keep up with the lasts trend. This is a danger to the youth.  today youth are so hook on t.v. that they are not focus on what a big importance of real life is. getting your education, a stable job, having a place to live and being financial set are what is real that young youth have to face on everyday life as they get older.

                              In conclusion, as  Mr.Sexton says these are some of the reason how t.v. reality can bring danger to kids.  t.v is a way of a influence tool to help encourage that what they see on t.v. is real and that is can happened to them. so it go to show that parents need to step up to be more in vole with there kids. that way kid can be help guided in the right direction of the real reality in everyday life.

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