Monday, May 2, 2011

blog 5

                               In plato's "The Allegory Of The Cave" Socrates begin telling a story to his student Glaucon about what it would be like the difference of human life in and out of the cave. Socrates says that if the prisoner been born and lived in side the cave there hole lives chain up, having no freedom to move around. with the fire light glaring behind them and all that they would see in front of them are shadows of passing objects and hear echo from the sound passing by  them this is what they would be a custom to there world and believe nothing but that.  socrates also says  suppose one of the prisoners are let go they will first experience pain, from non movement in the muscles . and what if one of them were reluctantly dragged up out of the cave and is shown,what the reality of the outside world of  the outside cave looks like.  The prisoner would be perplexed at first. The sun rays will make his eyes sqint, evenully be adjusted to the sunlight.  now that the prisoner had  experience both worlds it will be hard for the prisoner to go back to his old habits because of  his experience out side of the cave.

1 comment:

  1. Not bad, but a bit tied to the literal story. Who could the prisoner represent? What is he being liberated from? What does it mean that he can see the sun? and etc.
