Friday, June 10, 2011

blog#25 "my final project (food)

my experince going to the food market was very nice. There was alot of friendly people especially the vendors. They educate u on how the food is process and as well on how the animinals are breed. As i walk around the market place i have seen lots of things such as fresh fish, fruit,vegetables, and meats. Further more there is no compareison to this experince to a regular supermarket, in the food market there are no preservites or grown harmones in  them. the food in it self are made right by the farmers being treated right during there breeding .
lastly i have love the things that i have seen here and i will do more food shoping here more often. this i can say is the heathier way to do it.

this is how a real turkey burger should look like .even thou this was kinda a pricey dish it was well worth it . i had fun makeing a well done turkey burger. ummm umm good. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

blog#24 "reflection on the class"

A) The following blogs i thought were the best that i choose were blog #20,14,and 15.  All of these blogs base from the food unit. the food unit was  pretty instresting to me how their were talks about how the food was made and process, as well for were it comes from. Being that i was so enthused by Dr.X lesson on the food unit i have learn so much.  Made a change in my life which i stop poor eating habits. i also believed that these following blogs have been my best, descriptive essay i have ever posted up. made me be aware of what foods i buy in grocery s stores, that to me woke  me up to reality. and being more actively of chosen better food. all thanks DR.X

B) writing online all the time in this class has been a hell of a experience. to me i think it is different, because with regular writing u really have to think about your   writing layout. when it comes to online it  just boil downs to  really typing away and there is automatic spell check etc. yes in some way  writing blogs has improve my writing. as people comment on my blog. making there suggestion on what or how i can make my essay better.  this was like kinda a online tutor in a way which was pretty helpful. as far as the online work it was both all the time individual and group work. which was good too because u would experience both side and learn from it too. further more i did not do so much reading other people blogs, besides only looking at others for a model to look on how to start out my essay. lastly,  yes  i did at all time get the  impression that other people would be looking at me blogs. which i think is cool because that mean they admire my work.

C) The types of lesson i would take with me is everything from annotating to summary ect. i would only link to this are my expercene in my life if i could ever relate to the text or passage.  To be honest i feel 50/50 with having the believe of walking out of this class with the skills that were tough to me this semester. still feel a bit unorganized with it come to putting my essay together. sometime i feel it out of place. the most memorable  assignment were the food network. it blew my mind. and i love learning stuff like that. i would tell the student to go for it what do they have to lose. and that this class was the best fun class i ever had this semester. and i highly recommend that they should go because Dr.X is really good.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

post#23 "expanding on the sleep dealer"

Rudy Ramirez, the Mexican-American drone “pilot,” lives in The American Dream. Memo dreams of participating in The American Dream by getting nodes and living in the city. But the brutal killing of Memo’s father reveals that America/The American Dream is a dystopia.

a) Describe how Sleep Dealer represents The American Dream as a dream that is really a dystopia: How does Memo imagine it at first? How does his brother see it? How does his father see it? How is it represented on TV? How does Memo see and experience it as a worker in the cybermaquilas? What is Rudy’s role in The American Dream?

b) The end of the film has Memo and Rudy come together to create a new dream. What is it? What clues from the film do you have to support your interpretation?


a) to memo it look like a exciting thing to do for advancing technology devices, but once he saw on tv that a single was traced from his house realizing that his father was in there that was not good.  his brother thought of this the American dream as being funny. memos father did not seem to care form what i could remember. it was shown on tv as a entertain action show. memo thought of it as weird at first, but got accustom to  it and continued to work there to support his family. Rudy role in the movie was a soldier jet fighter, to kill off any threats  of single that were pick up.

b)  after studying and getting to know memo threw information he had bought from luz he realized that he had to find memo to apologized for killing his dad.and to let him know that he was the who killed him

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

blog#22 "story and stuff"

Topic1 -> Annie Leonard: "According to those exploiting the planets resources to make stuff, the people living in the countries with the resources do not have value because they don't own the resources even if they've been living there for generations, they don't own the means of production, and they're not buying a lot of stuff."

The government is responsible for this cause, by allowing the corporation taking over for mass production of making a profit off from the consumers.
 The corporation make  benefit because they are making a profit each time  the people keep buying the products.
The ones who suffer from this process are the animals and the people who live in the environment that is also effect as well because of the harmful chemical waste that is polluted into the air and waters in our planet.
No it is not right for this planet to be used this way. the government should wake up and released that they are doing more harm then good.

One experience i had related to this is when i was over one of my friend house in Pennsylvania. my friend jeff and his family had planted  a potato farm and have been growing potato for year. then one day just before i lifted to new york a great example of not having value was the government had took over there land and had to force them to move out else where because they did not own that land.

Monday, May 16, 2011

post#21 part 2 "the new industrial migrants"

 In this article part 2 of "industrial migrants" by Eric Scholosser, talks about the aspects of meatpacking. IBP a meat packing company came up with a idea to  put out recruiting team in poor communities threw out the U.S.  to keep a flow of people to work for there company. These were states such as new york, new jersey,california, north carolina and rhode island,had these centers  as well provided shelter for  there workers and bus import them to there jobs and back. they also supported the efforts to enforce the law that INS  did,  is not  to hire undocumented workers who are not authorized to work in the U.S.  One problem had develop when  they realized that the poor workers had no health insurance that drove up local medical costs. also in Minneapolis, Minnesota a company there  promise to provide housing for steady workers but had back fired with the offer that GFI america would pay $17 for each worker and donate hamburgers but did not work. The majority  of new recruits wanted rental apartments  but refused to stay in shelters. this cause made the workers feel tricked and misled. 

  Further more the company IBP slaughter house, INS, and GFI  i'm proud of. because of the efforts they are trying to make for the better working conditions they are making for there employee. despite the mix emotions of how the workers feel of being misled and tricked. at lease these people get to sleep in a shelter and have a transport bus to take them to work and back home. this to me is a step better then the conditions that the migrate works have lived in the 1980s.

blog #21 part 1>> to "the new industrial migrants"

 This article is about migrants workers by Eric Schlosser,  Scholsser begins to explain how  these mexican immigrants would  travel to  colorado to work at meat-package slaughterhouse getting payed at low poverty wages.  there base pay was 9.25 a hour, they would not start getting health insurance until at lease  being on the job for at lease six months and have to  be at lease a year  in order to get vacation pay.  they also lived in  poor condition place such as battered old trailers, motel and sleeping on mattresses that cover the floor. also that these worker did not know how to speak  or read english.  that was a advantage to the company to be able to have turn overs and be able to save money keeping the cost of health insurance low, by layoff or firing the workers and hire some more  to replace them.

      what is happening to these migrant worker from mexico is really unfair. the name speak for  it self "slaughter house", those are signs of dealing with heavy machinery that have sharp blades to cut the meat. i  also disagree about the waiting period for 6 months for there health insurance. anything can happen in there first day. a lot of accidence could happen too.  so i really feel bad for those that had to go threw this in the 1980s. hopefully now at this modern age of the 20th century things are better  in which the policy have change. for a better healthier working conditions.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

blog #20 "reflection on food unit"

In the food unit i found it really interesting, i have learn how process food is made and what harm it can do to our bodies. there are chemicals put into our foods such as grown hormones, and antibiotics to help fatten and make the animals  bigger. This is how the modern factory s make there foods.  learning the out come of how this food was made was pretty scary. the front side of it thou is that there are other healthier option and that is  buying food from family farms.  after watching the films  supersize me and the meatrix it had made me spreads the word to my friends and tell them this is what i have learned were our food comes from. so i  made  them  aware of it as well.  I thank  u Dr.x,  for teaching this topic from the food unit it was really good. now i have a change of diet, making better choices to being a healthy person. This experience connects to the the regular meatrix.  how neo was given a chose to either take the red pill or the blue pill to seek the truth of realty. neo had chosen the red pill  wanted to know the truth  of realty. so neo had a group of people show him and he now know that what is real and what is fake.
                                Just like perfect example.  for a long time i really did not know were fast food really came from. i thought that all food come from one place. but once Dr.x had shown a lesson on  were the food come from i now know that process food is bad for u and organic foods is a better natural choice. in some way for the allegory of the cave and the truman show is a connection due to the fact  for  example "the cave" how the people in the cave have been accustom to living in the dark and not know what it was like out side of the cave. until they  one of them were free and saw and learned that there was a hole life out there totally different from the in side cave.                                                                              Same for  Truman, he was raise in to a so called perfect world. were as everybody has a job family and friendly life . when later soon found out that he has been living in a lie a fake world. Truman wanted to go out and discovered that there is a real and better world out there, then the one he live in.
          As  far as  cat #3 i thought i did great, formulating my ideas together. by  putting in my personal examples, a claim , also  reference back from the reading and giving out a strong conclusion. out of all the cat's this was the easy one for me.  because from previous lesson  of what i had learned about fast food and what harm they can do  human body. i was a really upset with the grade i had received from Dr.x for this cat. i felt this  was one of my best writing out of all the cats. well aside from all that i will just keep on practicing until i get it right.

Monday, May 9, 2011

blog#19 "in defense of food"

1)what items in pollans advicemake sense to you?
  - In paragraph 9 where it says, "In the culture of the kitchen as embodied in those enduring traditions we call cuisines, contains more wisdom about diet and health."

2) which could you implement right away? to be eating more greens.

3) which seem hard to do or farfetched? i think that to pick out  the right types of fresh food  would be a challenge  if u are not a food shopper  like my self.

4) which you wish you could do but your present lifestyle does not make  possible? i wish i can have my own garden to grow out  my own crops of fresh foods but cant. because i live in the new york city were there is no proper grown soil to were i live.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

post 18 "where the whale be at?"

This article by Terry Cole, talks about African American literature, specifically issues concerning African Americans’ way of living and also the environment towards African Americans. The argument here is how African Americans are disconnected from the environment and how they are treated differently with regards to whites. The article also talks about the African Americans lack of choices to better food.  After reading this article it does have some truth to the way people of color live. I can relate because I live in one myself.
          As growing up I always thought living in the projects is normal.  There are corner stores, and one grocery store across from the project. Also easy access to mass transit, It has never occurred to me how disconnected the people of color are to the environment until now. This is pretty scary.  Every project I go to whether it is visiting a friend or a family member I always see in the ceiling paint coming down from the wall some were. According to the facts that Mr. Cole point out is that lead poisoning is a number one health threat to the children of color.  It makes u think why it only happens to us minority. Could it be the way the system is of city government?  We Will never really know.
                                                                   Secondly,   the whites have a different type of living. Most of them have house on property that have trees and grass.  They have better grocery stores then we do. Another important factor as stated by Mr. Cole that “seventy one percent of African American live in counties that violate federal air pollution standers as opposed to 58percent of white Americans.”  For example how most projects now and day I see are close to factory, or power plant.  Whites locations of living are far away from these type of location because the majority live in suburbia areas. This goes for the majority of the white Americans that live this way. Due to being more environmentally involve they know what good for them and the planet. Even back then society was split like this minority in one section and whites in other. It was never mix together. That is a lack of being environmentally aware. Of the way the color people live. Not knowing the potential dangerous to their health.
                         In conclusion, the people of color have to be environmentally involved to have the same life style as the whites. Despite were they originally had live. This improvement will give a better healthier life style were they can be treated fairly. Even till this day this is how America society system is run by identifying the class of people.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog1 the "hype" essay

Advertisements are the most common way to sell any new product on the market. Within the past couple of years, numerous company's have found different ways to advertise their products. Examples of this would be the everyday estimated 12billion display ads, radio commercials, tv commercials, or flyers that may be sent out.

When walking into a department store such as JcPenny, Walmart, or Target, you always notice that either a floor display or computerized image is always displayed for viewing.

In Addition, Radio personal advertises about 3 million commercials a day. Many companies will advertise on the radio because about 65% of the people either are listening to the radio while driving, exercising, or in the comfort of their home.

In our economy nowadays, everything is either digitized or computerized. So my opinion is within the next few years, the majority of everyday essentials that we use will be way more advanced due to the advertising we use today or will use in the future.

blog 2

1) what i learn from the thinking about annotations is how to really think about how a annoation  can be compared in my daly life. and to describe
2)looking for key points in the passage
3) how i can realate to certiain things  depending on the topic
4) not sure how it can make me a better writter, but can help me in some way by look for examples to help better formating my essay

from the exchange from my partner: i had learned that  boris and i had the same concept of highlighting important  facts that we thought were important.

blog 3 "reflecting on summary"

1) what i have learned in sumarizing class. Is that when is comes to summarizing i have to use my own words,and foucus on the main idea.
2) how i have learned it was by the opean discussion that was taking place in class.
3) what had help me with  my learning,   were the the types of stratigies shown by dr.x
th most difficult part of this lesson wasn doing it on my own and puting together me ideas to put a well thought out summary
4)after todays class i still felt a bit lost, i would like to get a clear understanding of this lesson a littel bit better

thecopper: Blog4 the revised"hype" essay

thecopper: Blog1 the "hype" essay: "Advertisements are the most common way to sell any new product on the market. Within the past couple of years, numerous company's have found..."

blog4 revised essay

 In the article, Kalle Lazn  the author says that advertisement are common and that it pollutes our minds each day that we live our life’s. Kale list some examples  that commercial pollution floods our brain at the rate of about thousand marketing messages per day.  Also that company executive call the little monitors “the most powerful micromarketing medium available today.  The author  kale lasn ends by saying that anywhere your eyes can possibly come to rest is now a place that in cooperate America’s  view and ought to be filled with a logo or product message.
In the article hype I can relate by what kale lazn  the  author is saying about advertisement. I see it in every day life on  tv, radios, and ads that I see on the train and buses.  As people  go about  there  daily lifes this is what helps marketing company promote in  getting people to buy stuff .  yes I can agree with kale when she says “the increase in commercial advertising has happened so steadily and relentlessly that we haven’t quite woken up to the absurdity.

blog 5

                               In plato's "The Allegory Of The Cave" Socrates begin telling a story to his student Glaucon about what it would be like the difference of human life in and out of the cave. Socrates says that if the prisoner been born and lived in side the cave there hole lives chain up, having no freedom to move around. with the fire light glaring behind them and all that they would see in front of them are shadows of passing objects and hear echo from the sound passing by  them this is what they would be a custom to there world and believe nothing but that.  socrates also says  suppose one of the prisoners are let go they will first experience pain, from non movement in the muscles . and what if one of them were reluctantly dragged up out of the cave and is shown,what the reality of the outside world of  the outside cave looks like.  The prisoner would be perplexed at first. The sun rays will make his eyes sqint, evenully be adjusted to the sunlight.  now that the prisoner had  experience both worlds it will be hard for the prisoner to go back to his old habits because of  his experience out side of the cave.

blog 6

When I was little I used to believe in a lot of things like the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy and how if u steps on the cracks on the floor u will break your mothers back.  What change my believe   was that I had grown up to an adult.   I began to see that the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy were just fanistity fling for kids. Lastly for the step on the crack or else u break your mother back is  a superstition that many people believe except me because I had step on many cracks and my mother back is find and that’s how I come to find out that the following things were not true.

post 7 thesis based

1) what ive learned about "thesis writing" is that i have to come up with my own ideas.
2) i know i have learnd it because i had to really think up of my own ideas
3) how i learned it was i had to first think of the aurgument and then list all the ideas of what i want to agure about
4) what help my learing was working in groups/  what was difficult was coming up with my own ideas/ i feel good of a understanding of these statment

Blog 8 (paragraph)

             In “ I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts” Jeffery Kluger points out that researchers at Ohio state university conducts a study determining how false beliefs are sticky, and what it will take free people from believing them. Kluger states, in a new study by R. Kelly Garrett and Erik Nesbit recruited 750 people report being familiar with, and believing rumors about proposed Islamic cultural center. For example, how easy it is to manipulate people belief systems with insinuating pictures, or inflammatory quotes. kluger ends by saying even when people do take time to learn the facts, the effort often does no good.

             I agree with Garret and Nibet that it is easy to change people belief. For instance, people seeing horrific picture about their religion such as Christianity. I can relate to this situation because when I was in Sunday school the teacher had show me a picture of how Jesus was put on the cross to be a sacrifice to have god forgive us for all our sins. When I saw that picture of Jesus on the cross I had believe that it was true. The same thing that go for other religions such as Buddhism and Catholics’. So with all that said these are one of the ways how people are convenes to follow a certain religion.

        The same as people can be persuasive of being told what actual events have been taking place from a scripture from the bible. Yet here are Two testaments the old and the new. The Old Testament, containing from Genesis to Malachi and the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation.  These are some prime examples of what people read in the Christian and catholic religion.

       Last but not lease, many people in everyday life including me have a bigger impact on believe. when they are shown something visually what had occurred back in the B.C. times.  like  for instance  a movie called “passion of the Christ”  by Mel Gibson; it was so graphic that showing the hole process of what Jesus went thru  for his people had  sent a powerful message  to believe that there is a god  because he had resurrect from the dead.

         In conclusions, there are many different believes as I have stated. But there is one thing that we can agree on is that we all believe that there is a god, despite of all the different types of religions that are out there. People are persuaded because all the religion is all pointing to one being which the creator god himself.

post 9 "reflecting on paragraphing"

1) yes, i haved learned that there two things that must be done when paragraphing. i must summarize then write a thesis statement.
2) how i know i learned it.  is  because i have put all  my best effort on blog 8 to show that i understand.
3) i have learned how to  paragraph by following the steps that were instructed to me. first choose a specfic topic, then a claim, and list all of  the reason.
4) what had help my  learning was when dr.x had shown us a two samples the sandwhich chart and  the claim thesis statement essay. the hardest part was coming up with ideas for a thesis statement.
5) i feel good about it and confident but would still need more practices

post10 "reflection on skills"

1)      I have learned so much in such a short period of time.  How to annotate, summarizing, thesis statement and paragraphing.
What I learned in terms of writing skills was thesis statement and paragraphing. I learned that when it comes to coming up with a thesis statement I have to really sit there and think about what could be a really important idea   taking from the text of the reading and either agree or argue against the text that iam reading.
 Paragraphing is basically to give listed of supported reason to help support the main idea.

2)      Well this is proven by the work that I have displayed in my blogs

3)      The annotate is still to me unclear because I still don’t understand how to connect  to the text and as well to really get the understanding of the meaning of unfamiliar word that I don’t really know what they mean.  What really confuses me is summarizing, is because I not sure by putting the main idea in my own words is relating to the text that I read to be able to make sense out of it for my reader to understand.

4)      Yes, I feel confident overall of what I learn in basic skills writing. But would like to get a clear understanding on the annotating part especially summarizing. With everything else such as the thesis statement and the paragraphing I have a understanding with that but when it comes to summarizing and annotating I feel just a bit lost.

5)       I have a grasp of how to properly write a  essay but would just like a bit more clarity on the summarizing and annotate .

blog#11 "responding to a significant topic in the truman show"

            i personally chose not to live in chrisoff world due to  the following reasons everything is robotic,  to dull of a white world, and everything is supposal perfect. In today society it is nothing like Truman’s world. In my world there are both side to the coin, there is good and evil.   Also my world is really diverse nothing compared to Truman’s world where there was just all white people. This is christoff state of mind of  a perfect world.

              Christoff, start off in the move to show about a newborn being raised up into this perfect world at sea heaven. as Truman grows up to a adulthood, the movie begain by showing that Truman step out his door and plolity greets his neighbor as well as this perfect world of a ordinary wife, family, friends and truman going to work at a ordinary job. but one day truman accidentally going in to a elevator and see a catering area backstage and from that moment on he gets suspicious.  truman soon later finds out that everything was fake and that he was living in  a tv realty show. Then from that moment forward he was on a mission to be free  from the fake world into the real world.

      my world is a perfect world. i get to discover what a good or bad side in life is. for example a good side to my life is  having  my education, a good paying job, and having a family. the bad side is  having  none of those things.  just be a bum on the street or a low income citizen.  my world is real nothing is stage  in to a tv reality show,  or hired   actors. the world i live  in is real. there are many different types of people that have many type of personalty  and there for being  in my world in to a devisable  type of place  teaches all different aspect of life.

blog12 "red pill or blue pill"

In "red pill or blue pill / is ignorance bliss",  Malcolmson and cornell, states how the matrix and alice in wonder land  are similar in ways of how they  are both confuse on what  is real. one example of how alice eats a peace of cake and drinks  as well as Neo taking the red pill they both go threw a series of experiences.   just as Neo goes threw the new world alice goes threw as well in a rabbit hole and are both confuse seeking the truth to what is real. also another comparison that the writer brings is the " allegory of the cave", how plato states  how a person make a turn around and is exposed from light in the cave to light from the sun. thus learning something new just like Neo brought into the matrix to be re-educated of his senses.  despite all of there  simarlates,  there is one differnce between the "matrix" and "the allegory".which Morpheus is telling Neo stressing the negative that the  out side world is bad  and the matrix is safe. for the cave how  Socrates point out the world out side the cave is beautiful then the world in the cave.  here in this article argues of both points  in to finding the truth to what is real to humans.

blog 13 revised /cat #1essay "dangers of reality"

                         In a extract from Timothy Sexton, i agree that among the dangerous messages that reality t.v. sends out are the importance of competition, the value of image over ability, and the obsolescence of education. there fore i can relate because i see that happening in today youth of society.

             First competition, it is shown all over t.v. of shows such as american idol, fear factor, and deal or no deal. that once u complete a tasks how a person can instantly win cash or being famous. for the young youth already have in staled in there heads that wow if that person can do it so can i. which cause a lack of interest of what is real in life, rather then a t.v. show that is a attraction of fantasy of having few mins of fame or make the quick bucks.

                Second, the value of image over ability. many kids today follow there favorite celebrity in what they wear to look hip. also as Mr. Sexton said "many of the show contestant that are most qualified lose out  as to  a contestant who present a hipper image. thus goes to show that in todays society of young youth all we care about is who looks the best. who has the lateness trend of new clothes to top that other person to look cool. As a child grown up that how it was for me and still continue on today.

                Lastly , the obsolescence of education. over my high school years to currently now, realty t.v. has gotten so popular. it is what todays young youth ever talk about. nothing on t.v. today show anything educational.  it is always about violence, sex, and who can win the most cash. which in my option is very bad. there are far more important things in life then  to keep up with the lasts trend. This is a danger to the youth.  today youth are so hook on t.v. that they are not focus on what a big importance of real life is. getting your education, a stable job, having a place to live and being financial set are what is real that young youth have to face on everyday life as they get older.

                              In conclusion, as  Mr.Sexton says these are some of the reason how t.v. reality can bring danger to kids.  t.v is a way of a influence tool to help encourage that what they see on t.v. is real and that is can happened to them. so it go to show that parents need to step up to be more in vole with there kids. that way kid can be help guided in the right direction of the real reality in everyday life.

blog#14 "reflexion of the media unit"

i believe that in the being i was struggling  of the lesson that Dr. x provided. i did not know what to expect. but now i understand somewhat of her format on how to do a proper  cat essay. i now know that when coming approach on a cat i have to annotate then find the main idea on what there talking about.  from there relate to it by giving a list of examples . also weather u agree or dis agree of what the article is talking about.  the types of improvements  i need are my grammar and  formulating my essay. those are my two main problems. i feel that my mind goes  blank at times  when i'am trying to put together my essay.  A few grammar mistakes  in due time with enough practice i'am pretty sure ill get it right.  these are both of my challenges that i am  facing right now. i will have to go to tutoring for now to get  the extra help. i find this the best way to help me move ahead. by getting that one on one attention will help make that clear understanding . on the first cat i did not do so well formulating my essay. but i felt i was going on the right track with my ideas. on  the cat #2 i feel much better  especially, when Dr. .x had made a clear understanding of where to get the root of what the main idea is talking about .  as well on how to identify a claim and proven the argument.
            the media unit  was a lot of fun. i enjoyed especially the part of compare and contrasting both movies the matrix and the truman show. this assignment alone was pretty interesting because of how dr.x made us think out side the box. talking about what is real world and what is not. i never thought of these two movie that way.  aside from that google doc it for others to comment on my work. it  lets me know if i am doing my job right,also it is a way of other person helping me on how to make something better which is good. the group work wasnt  that good because it was hard to work togather with someone and they don't even participate in  the work. so i rather work my self better. at lease i know i will get the work done.  the vocabulary page is good to have i think because i can refer to it.  if  there are  unfimilar word that i don't know i can look it up and store it for refer use later.  i thank dr.x for these wonderful skills to prepare us for the cat annotating, summary, thesis, and claim,  this was brokeing down to  the class and even thou writing is not my thing i can uses them to become better at it when it comes to my essays .

blog15 "part 1"

The meatrix part one talks about was our meat and other animal products come from such as eggs, and milk. These products extend from factory farms where they cause animal cruelty towards them. Where they have to push the animals together in poor living conditions, de-beak in   the chickens, and feed them antibiotics to restrain germs. All these actions occurred in the 20th century. Which then later cause extremities that cause massive pollution in the air and our waters.

Meatrix part two talks about the harsh living condition of cows. How the cows tails get but off and are subject to over use of antibiotic and injected by the factory owners artificial hormones. As for the baby cows they are fed cows blood which can cause mad cow decease. Ever since the factory owners took over, they have been destroying small family farmer property to take over. Which then in turn caught the attention of the public’s eyes two years later.  Were as our food comes from causes people to start making better chooses and sustainable.
The  meatrix part2 ½ talks about how the factory’s  just care about the profits and not there workers. As displayed in the video some workers hurt them self’s while processing the meat. Then meat is sent out to the fast food nations. When the workers are cutting the meat passing above them which drip blood, cause manure in the meat. So despite the poor working conditions the factory workers have the bosses don’t care about them. Just about the profit of makeing money.

blog#15 "part 2"

 In this article from talks about the misuse of antibiotics. "The antibiotics do more harm then good".  Also talks about the living conditions of how these animals live such as pigs,cows, and chickens. how humans are effected by the food that are made from a factory as apposed to a farmer breeder.
    Modern industrial factory farm would keep the animals in harsh conditions like keeping them in cages, pins, debecking a chicken, and having them in confined areas. no room to move around in they even had to lay in there own pue. there immune system were weak over time which made these animals prone to infection. which in return can effect humans because they are not compensate for unhealthy conditions. they  would also blimp them up with antibiotics so that way they can grow faster and make a profit off the consumers that buy the food.
    furthermore a study shown by "the national academy of sciences" say that estimated 18,000 americans die due to drug resistant infections. caused by eating the product of meat, eggs,and the milk that have the antibiotics in them made from the factory. which cause a health crisis. because of the bacteria increacing and becoming costly to treat. live stock business threaten to increase the number of cases of antibiotics resistant to bacteria.
                      In conclusion, even thou not a lot of people are aware what is in there food or how it process. the article explain, the awareness of what is being done to these animals that effect the animals that effect the humans consumers. the food that cause all different types of conditions. but when treated right by farmers who use good methods of how food is process make a healthier choice of  food.

blog#16 (revision of cat#2)

        Young adolescents from ages 10 to 14 start smoking threw imitation of rated-R movies. In a excerpted  from Nicholas Balakar, says research done by dr. james d. Sargent did a study of children who had great exposure were most like to start smoking, then those who were expose less. i can agree with dr. Sargent that young adolescents can be influence to smoke by watching a rated- R movie. for example, from a action movie called the "terminator " or "die heart". i can remember these two movie being popular when i was growing up that many kids i knew replicate them self's to.
                                  furthermore, in the movie terminator this was a popular movie when i was growing up. the terminator had cool distinctive look on him when smoking. having a black leather jacket, shades, and a bike. that to my friend and i was a cool look. from what i can remember there were about three occasion that i had seen the terminator smoking. unfortunately i was one of the less exposed to rated-R movies. the terminator was the first and last action movie i saw and was not influence to smoke.
                           Children who had greatest exposure to smoking in movies were more then two and half times proven by a excerpt to smoke. when the movie "die heart" came out that was how it set off a high percentage of my friends to smoke. growing up we all wanted to become cops. in almost every seen there was a white cop who would smoke constantly. so my friend josh and will at the age of twelve start smoked ever sense because of they thought it was cool.

                                  In conclusion, young adolescents  can be influence proof from excerpted by nicholas that came to find out by  dr. Sargent  that kids who are prone to a lot of rated-R movies will be influence  someway or other to be smoking  due to a thought of being cool. just like my friend did because by doing this he would be cool like the others and fit in. which they still till this day continue to smoke. so aside from being influence by a movie it can be a choice as well too from being pure pressured in to doing it by friends.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

blog#17 "the end of overeating"

we the people must be aware of what is in our fast foods.There are harmful chemicals that are put in our process food that can do harm to our bodys. That contains highly caloric combinations to which cause problems as stated in  a reading called "overeating". One example, cause us to have a craving addiction to go and want to buy more. later can cause people to become over weight.  Can cause complication such as heart attacks, liver clots, and other type of bodily functions.This is a major concern that now that the media has keep in the dark about. But from what i learned from the reading by elizabeth kolbert, is that we need to be more aware of what we humans consume in our bodys. We have to make  better and heather choices to live better,  instead of careless ones that can effect are way of living and die.